Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year

So, New Year's...

First time in 3 years where I wasn't ditched by my friends so they could hook up with randoms, which was nice.

It was a fun night, great music, fun friends. Very happy.

Work has become my life.

Also, I am hopelessly in love with a fictional character in a book series I am reading. Twilight has me hooked. I haven't been this excited about a book since Harry Potter. And I don't even have to wait for the next book, years and months I spent waiting for each HP. All of these books are published and ready for my greedy eyes at Target (I have a lot of Target gift cards, so the books are fr-ee!).

I love with someone who doesn't exist. We will delve into this next time, here...on BettyLou Theater.


At 2:38 AM , Blogger Matt said...

You have a good group of friends, as far as I can tell (he says with great humility). We won't desert you!

As for the literary love, I cannot help. Sorry :-/


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