Saturday, June 06, 2009

Summer Plans

Every year, when school got out, before we were old enough to work (which, BTW, I did from the time I was 15 to now) My sisters and I (Youngest and LLS) had to actually do stuff during our summer vacations. Yes, there was sleeping a lot and a ton of mindless TV watching, but there were also math worksheets and summer reading contests and the like. And since school is out (I haven't been in school in 5 years, but Youngest is a teacher and she is now off, so I know this for a fact), I have decided to make a SUMMER PLAN.

June: Learn enough of a new language to get by - it's going to be Japanese. You will see why in a minute.

July: Finish teaser for comic book. I am working with a guy I met on my last high school job. It's Japanese influence, so a few strategically placed phrases can't hurt.

August: Read every book Jane Austen ever wrote. This is a whole summer goal. It will take time.

There is a possible road trip or two in here somewhere

I schlepped to Capitol Hill Books (which is my new Mecca) today and picked up the Austen omni for $12!! Yeah man!

I also got some Japanese books.

So you see, I will be very busy. Plus there is Roomie and BF's wedding in September for which I need a hot boyfriend (I already have a back up date lined up). Although, I am not really feeling dating right now. Too busy! We'll see.

Have a Happy and Safe Summer.


At 5:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you didn't say you were going to Japan for the summer.

Sounds like a good summer plan.

Want ot roadtrip with us to Minnesota?


At 11:36 AM , Blogger Travelingrant said...

がんばって リズ さん。日本語 は 本当 に むずかし です。

At 10:46 PM , Blogger HelloBettyLou said...

Thanks G. And Mom, why can't i go to Japan?


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