Thursday, August 17, 2006

Play It Again, Sam

I was driving today and heard two songs that were attached to two relationships I had in the past. The odds against this occurring are staggering, considering how old these songs are (5-8 years at least). I just wonder if it is a sign. I believe in signs, good and bad. Maybe I will see these men again. But since the last I heard of them, they were out of state, I really don't see that happening.

I was going throughone of my memory boxes, filling albums with pictures and reliving the past. I was really depressed in my younger days, or I just wrote when I was sad. I am going to go with the latter. I found the beginnings to one of my early attempts at a novel. It has promise, but needs to be fleshed out a lot more. As I read through all my notes, this sense of the familiar washed over me. It was a sense of fear, boredom, excitement and sadness. Ah, high school. All I could do was finish reading, remember how I was feeling when I wrote these things, what was happening and sit. I couldn't bring myself to do much else. Oh, yeah, and I drank.

The albums are almost full and I have to wonder, didn't I have a lot more pictures of college and where are all these people now? I hope they are happy and safe.

Since I don't know, I will just hum my songs and think happy thoughts.

I am working tomorrow.

PS - Unemployment is incredibly boring. I was bored out of my skull by Tuesday. I don't know how some people can go years without working.


At 10:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Chicken Go is hiring! There's nothing wrong with serving up some grease in the ghetto.

At 5:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drinking alone is never a good thing, and reliving the past helps redirect and focus the present. However, recipes can help. Invite friends over when you can (live people always beat pictures). Buy a bottle of blackberry brandy (Leroux is a good brand) and mix the brandy modestly with Coke. I have a feeling you'll thank me for the recipe.
You began a novel? That's impressive, any chance of finishing someday? That may keep you busy, imagine adding that feather to your cap.
Who am I? I contemplated answering as a "secret admirer" but it's not a secret any longer, plus it's incredibly cheesy and shallow. The best way to answer then is I'm curious to know more about you :)

At 5:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a loyal reader myself (the LLS), I have to ask Anon, who are you? We in the Loyal Fan Base are protective of Betty Lou, so you better be a good person of remarkable character...dammit.

At 9:08 PM , Blogger sheashedeed said...

I have to agree with the LLS...who is anon and what are your motives!?


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