Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Thing about Things, AKA Oh Yeah

I tend to keep things much longer than I should...Bits of paper, keepsakes, boyfriends, clothing. I came to this realization when I was cleaning out a desk I have at home. I found manuals for a phone a haven't used in a year, notebooks that I used when I was a reporter (5 years ago), mini radio (broken) maps of the London Underground system, you name it, I had it in that desk. Jimmy Hoffa was stuffed in the back of one drawer. I put the things I could use in a bin at the top of my closet and the rest was scattered around the house. I don't know why I keep it all, it don't use it, but I know as soon as I throw it out, I will have a need for it.

I keep these things out of a weird sense of loyalty to them. This theory is most often dredged up when I realize I have been with the wrong person for far too long. College Boyfriend falls into this category.

Last night to bed I wore the oldest piece of clothing I own, it is a tee-shirt I got for my 5th grade graduation, It was big then and still fits (mostly because after years of washing and drying, it it really stretched out). All the glitter is gone, there are holes everywhere, but I can't part with it. My parents gave it to me, it was my first piece of Class of 2000 paraphenalia. It's special, Hole-y and special.


At 8:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight. You cleand out your desk, for things you don't use - and just stored them somwhere else? Essentially, you just moved the 'stuff' somewhere else?

At 8:10 AM , Blogger HelloBettyLou said...

It's not that i don't use the stuff, i just don't use it every week. It's stationary and blank cards,wrapping paper (i do gift), sewing kits (i can sew)and computer stuff, manuals and disks with my portfolio on them. So there.


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