I just read this article and I would love to know if this moron actually wants children to be born and most likely die in abject poverty in the developing countries that this aid will go to? He is misinformed, misguided and mistaken. The Gates Foundation supports birth control efforts. The third world is overpopulated, children die every day because their families can't feed or care for them properly. By promoting and teaching birth control methods you are stopping a problem at its source. There is nothing wrong with birth control and I have never understood the Catholic's stance against it or their desire to rival the population of China within a single family. I am all for big families (although I do not want to have one) as long as the children as well as the adults are cared for and given everything they need. It just makes me mad when those who do not deserve it come under fire from the Extreme Right who have no bloody idea what they are talking about since they have probably never seen the horror these people are living everyday.My friend Amy just got back from India and she said it was the saddest place she had ever been (while also being one of the most beautiful). The level of poverty she saw was enough to knock the wind out of you.
Have you heard about this woman in Missouri or Kansas who has had 16 children because "we just love kids so much." Yeah, kids are great, but 16 is taking it a little, actually a lot, too far. Do you think her older kids had normal childhoods? No, they were too busy helping to raise their younger siblings when mom...I could say something really mean, but I won't. They will talk enough about it in therapy so...
So helping to not bring children into that kind of life is commendable in my opinion.
"this" won't come up
It's an article on CNN.com. Front page, Headline:
Anti-abortion priest compares Buffett to Nazi doctor
Should be fixed now, try again.
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