Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I am a slob...a dirty, disgusting slob. I used to be clean, mostly due to the fact that I was bored and under-sexed, but I was clean. Now I work 45-50 hours a week and am just too exhausted to clean up after I get home from work. My diet has suffered too. I eat crap. I am cleaning my house right now, sanitizing everything because I found un tres petit ver (look it up) on my bed this morning and it freaked me out. So I bought all new pillows and am boiling my sheets.

I have:

Dusted (I have never done that in my house)
Bleached my bathroom
Rewashed all my dishes

I will:

Wash the seat covers on my couch

But first I need to eat more crap.

My dishwasher SUCKS.


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