Saturday, November 25, 2006

Birthday from Heaven

I am officially 25. A quarter century, which everyone seems keen on reminding me of at every turn, especially the BF. He's older, he shouldn't be talking. This has been my best birthday ever, at least in recent memory. And here is why:

Last Saturday, I went to the spa and you all know how much I loved that.

On Thanksgiving, the family was together to give me cards and happy wishes.

On Friday, my actually birthday, the BF came over and we spent the day together (Lizzy Time, as he called it, as opposed to his usual Man Time). It was very fun. We went to the mall to check out the sales (they were minimal) and to see if there was anything that I might want as a present. He had some ideas but I said they were too expensive (I chose a movie and a CD). We also went to see Casino Royale, which was great. One of the better Bond films I've seen in a while. Really very good. Of course there was some nookie involved in the day, but those details are for him and me only.

Today, the girls and I went to brunch and I put up my Christmas tree.

Next Saturday, my big celebration takes place downtown. It's a big birthday and therefore deserves a big celebration.


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