The Last Couple of Weeks

The last couple of weeks have been a bit, how you say, on the rough side. OK, they have been pretty terrible. Let me explain...
I was in a car totalling accident with my dad - Thankfully, we all walked away with just bruises.
Work has been especially stressful - Nothing out of the usual, I am stressed naturally. It's my baseline. But it contributes to the rest...
It was the anniversary of my nephew's death last week. I am happy that he only ever knew love and he has a sweet and clever little brother that we can love with everything we have as well.
Jason broke up with me. There is no bright side to this one.
And now you see where I am coming from - of course this is certainly not as bad as some people have to go through, but it's my life and this is how I categorize things.
So I have been eating crapily and nightly drinking my IQ in CC's of booze.
But now it's time to wipe away the tears and stand up straight once more.
Year in Review 2010 and some of 2011
I have been working at Xcel for 2.5 years - Usually good, sometimes dull. A job, basically. I have plans for bigger and better thing.
My grandma died - the first of the core 4. I am down to three and Mom is half and orphan. I miss her terribly. She was my prayer warrior - everything she prayed for came true for me. Her powers were awesome and terrifying.
I have been dating a wonderful man for 15 months. He, unfortunately, has moved to Edwards (3 hours away). But we talk every day, email and I plan to invest in a webcam for Skyping.
The rentals will celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary this month. Yeah!
I got a snazzy new computer.
I moved to a new, better apartment - more character, less rent, walkable bars.
I travelled to Minnesota for the BF's brother's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and everyone was great (I met the whole family).
My beautiful and clever nephew celebrated his 2nd birthday.
Youngest got engaged! I'm in the wedding!
There are probably some more things to mention, but this is good for now.
"Oh, You're OK"
I went to a basketball game with some work chums - it was free for Xcel volunteers (I plant trees, therefore I am) and as I was ordering my beer (can't enjoy college B-ball without one or 2 as it were), I went to get out my ID and the vendor says to me, "oh, you're OK." And then goes to card my friend, who is older than me.
Am I that haggard?
Twenty-nine is got haggard...considering I will be this age...FOREVER.