Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Other Families Aren't Like Ours"

We like spending time together. Watching movies, playing games, sharing meals.

I have never experienced what it's like to not like your family, it would certainly help my writing (at least make it more interesting), but I love my family and I genuinely like spending time with them.

We've been described as "freakishly close."

This past Thanksgiving was no exception.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

It is official. At 6:56pm PST or rather 7:56 MST, I turned 28. How does one celebrate this momentous occasion. If I had my way, i.e. I ruled the world, I would have had the day off to relax and reminisce about the past 28 years. Instead, I worked. Not so bad really as throughout the day, I received calls and texts wishing me a very happy b-day. Thanks everyone! This evening, the great and wonderful BF took me to a very fancy dinner. And by fancy, I mean an entree was the price of our usual total bill. It was fancy!

He thinks I'm special and deserves a fancy night out. Who knew these men existed?

Had the family party on Sunday with the parents and sisters, BF joined us. Dad must like him because he asked what kind of beer he should get for Jace. Very nice gesture. Great dinner, awesome birthday Key Lime Pie (I don't do cake) and a fabulous game of Trivial Pursuit. Which we won. By two pie pieces. Yeah! Only the second time I have ever beaten my father, it felt so good!

I didn't do the usual 5 parties this year (all friend group outing, family, boyfriend only celebration, work lunch, girlfriends gab and gossip brunch), I just don't have the time. With a full time job and a full time boyfriend, I am surprised I have the energy to go upstairs and get a piece of the complimentary coconut cream pie from the fridge (I'm not going to, too stuffed with swordfish and Burgundy).

Best Birthday Ever!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Sitter Extraordinaire

I watched Weston all day on Saturday (his mama, Youngest moved out of Baby Daddy's house, another story, another time). I love this kid, he dances every time music is played and think my Elmo impression is hilarious.

What did I get for all my love and hell of a head and chest cold.

I am off to NyQuil myself into a stupor.

Later days

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And So...

Hey kids, hope you are all well. I am super dandy. Why you may ask. Well, several things. I finally got cable and Internet in my new apartment. Took 3 tries, 2 trips out here for Sue, Mom and the baby, four phone calls to Comcast several emails and a butt-load of frustration, but it is done. I may not have a couch, but I can now watch the Simpsons and surf late night porn.

Work is good. My boss is on maternity leave so I am doing all of her work plus mine. So, basically, the work of 2.5 people. I am the woman!

Jason and I are still doing great. He is super. I am happy.

Weston turned one a few weeks ago, we had a very nice family party, Jace met the rest of the family, having met Mom and Dad during the move. Katie likes him as does the baby. Course, he is a terrible judge of character, he loves everyone.

That's pretty much it.

Don't forget to hug a vet today.