Weston James, the most beautiful baby in the world made his debut today.
Let the world rejoice.

It's Official
I am single again.
Mike and I talked this afternoon and we decided that we didn't have enough in common ( like me wanting to spend time with him and he wanting to run) to stay together.
How am I doing you ask...drunk.
I am PISSED!!!
Mike, the oh so absent bf, and I had plans to get together on Saturday. I was house-sitting for JoAnna in Denver (it was great, really made me miss living in the city and living alone), it would have been a quick drive over and a short walk to this great bar that allows dogs (I was also baby-sitting a dog).
Sound like fun, no? Saturday rolls around, I call to confirm plans, no reply. I text, no reply. I had raided the bookshelf at the house and was reading "It's Called a Breakup cause it's Broken," so I assumed he had chosen the coward's way out and had dumped me without dumping me.
So juvenile.
I had accepted this, I was working through this with my "breakup buddy." This was totally harshing my chi and good weekend, puppy snuggling and movies buzz.
When lo and behold, as I am unpacking at home, he calls.
The first thing out of his mouth is how tired he is and proceeds to gives me some lame song and dance about a 2 day hang over. I express my anger at the situation, he calls himself a douche, I corrected him and said he was an asshole and was very inconsiderate of my feelings and our plans.
He apologizes.
My anger continues to grow.
Like I said, I am PISSED!!!
We talk for a while, mostly him as when I am mad, I do not like to talk. I let him know that I am tired of being the one who calls and emails and asks him out. He needs to make an effort to pursue me. I am worthy of being pursued, DAMNIT!!!
I get off the line and angrily write this post.
Stupid boy.
How was your weekend?