New Years
Going to a concert. Nothing more so far.
My Sister, The Enabler
I am extremely passive aggressive. It is quite sad, really.
Example, the first (possibly only):
I am such a passive aggressive chickenshit that, even at 27, I cannot tell someone how I feel about an adult, which, technically, I am. I even have a whole speech in my head of what I should be saying to this person. But, being the chickenshit that I am, I almost had a friend do it. Thankfully, I called it off before it could happen. But, as "luck" would have it, I have a sister who is not a chickenshit (and therefore, enables my passive aggressiveness). And takes many things upon herself, including, my life. So, she asked him if he liked me, you know, "that way."
He doesn't know...which in man-speak is
So, now I move on. I very much value our friendship so I have that. And a re-organized bedroom.
Washington DC 2: Licoln Land

As you may or may not know, I have a special place in my heart for Abraham Lincoln. So, on my recent trip to DC, I made the pilgrimage to all the Lincoln sites.
This is the bed where Lincoln died.

In the room where Lincoln died.
This is the parlor where Mary Todd Lincoln waited while the

doctors examined her husband.

This is Ford's Theatre (closed for renovations, by the way. And you know that always happens to me. The Louvre is closed on Tuesday, just so you know).

Look where I went last month!!

Ah, sea level...
Washington DC, one of my
happy places.